About us

Allerweltskino is a nonprofit organization which professionally screens documentary and feature films in Cologne, Germany.

What does Allerweltskino mean?

Our name has two literal meanings: ‘whole world cinema’ and – with some irony – ‘ordinary cinema’. The best translation of our name into English is perhaps ‘everybody’s cinema’.

Films from the Global South and films about intercultural and global topics

Our main focus are films from the Global South and from other film cultures beyond Western Europe and North America.

Intercultural cinema is further focus: films about the encounter, clash, and exchange between different cultures, which includes intercultural life in Germany and Western Europe.

A third focus are films about global issues, such as globalization, development aid and cooperation, resources, sustainability, climate crisis, urban and rural life around the world.

Tuesdays and beyond

Every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. we screen a film at the OFF Broadway, which is Cologne’s leading art house cinema. Apart from that, we also curate, organize, and implement individual events or festivals with various partner organizations in other cinemas. We annually host a Turkish and an Iranian film festival for instance.

More than film screenings

We provide context to our films through introductions. Frequently, we have filmmakers or topical experts as guests for our screenings.

Our mode of working / Collaborations

We are a registered charitable nonprofit organization (a ‘gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein') which means that donations are tax-deductable for donors and for us. All our members work as volunteers. You'll find every movie that was screened at Allerweltskino's since 1986 in our database (in German only).
We screen films which have and those which haven’t a regular distributor in Germany. We are always looking for interesting films to show and for collaborations. Please get in touch at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
